Albert Meroño Peñuela

Albert Meroño Peñuela

Postdoctoral Researcher, VU Amsterdam • Assistant Professor in Computer Science, King's College London

I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Computer Science at the Distributed Artificial Intelligence group, King’s College London. My research interests include Linked Open Data, Government and Statistical data, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Humanities.

Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Knowledge Representation & Reasoning group, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I investigate the construction and querying of knowledge graphs and their role in scholarly processes.

I obtained my PhD in 2016 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, under the supervision of Frank van Harmelen, Stefan Schlobach, and Andrea Scharnhorst. I also hold a bachelor in Informatics Engineering from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (FIB-UPC), and have previously worked at the Insitute of Law and Technology (IDT-UAB) developing models for Law using Semantic Web technology.

I worked in WP4 of CLARIAH, which aims at facilitating the integration of socio-historical datasets using Web technology.