W.Th. (Wido) van Peursen is Professor of Old Testament and director of the Eep Talstra Centre of Bible and Computer (ETCBC). Since he enrolled in this function in 2012, he has guided the ETCBC in a process towards Open Science, in which the database and the analytical programs are open for various users (from humanities scholars and other interested people who can consult the database online to an international community of programmers who develop further tools).
He has directed an NWO project on Syntactic Variation in the Hebrew Bible (with J.W. Dyk, 2013-2018), in which computational statistical methods were applied to Hebrew linguistics, as well as other projects funded by CLARIN-NL, CLARIAH, Pelagios, DANS and the Network Institute, like project SHEBANQ (System for HEBrew Text: ANnotations for Queries and Markup) (2013-2014) and the Research Pilot LinkSyr: Koppeling van Syrische gegevens (2017-2018).